-----Names:-----Pokemon Fire Red Legacy Documentation
Info: Pokemon Fire Red Legacy DocumentationCategory: Walkthrough, GuideLanguage: EnglishRelated: Pokemon Fire Red LegacyAuthor: Chain
(Click Below to move relevant poision on the page)Ability Changes
Bugs of original Fire Red Fixed
Evolution Methods and Levels
Exclusive Pokemon Location
Important NPC
Main Features and Changes
Mechanic Updated Moves
MOVES (Modified and New)
Pokémon Changes; Boosted, Modified and Abilities
WILD ENCOUNTERSAbilities Changes
Compoundeyes > Comp. Eyes
Lightningrod > Parabolic
White Smoke > Odd Aura
Thick Fat > Hard Skin
-----New Changes:-----
Now with STURDY, you cannot be knocked out with one hit. One-hit KO moves cannot knock it out, either.
Cacophony has no use, so I changed it to SNOW WARNING. The Ice type is better now!
Bug fixes:
Bugs of original Fire Red Fixed
- Fixed Sturdy ability. Now allows the Pokémon to survive with 1 HP if attacked at full HP with an attack that would otherwise knock it out.
- Pokédex Data entry.
(Example: Weedle has "Hairy Pokémon", now It's "HairyBug Pokémon").
- Team Rocket of Nugget Bridge fixed, now give you 1 Nugget.
- Fixed Red sprite in Oak intro.
- Vital Throw don't show accuracy now.
- Fixed Roaming Pokémon (Raikou and Entei). They will no longer disappear. Moveset changed, they no longer learn Roar.
- FR has three distinct types of trade restrictions:
You can't trade or be traded an egg (even an egg of a Kanto Pokemon)
You can't trade in a Pokemon not in the Kanto Dex (even from another FRLG)
You can't trade with RSE
Normally, the first two restrictions are lifted after getting the National Dex, while trading with RSE is unlocked by the Sevii Island stuff in the post-game.
I remove all three of those restrictions.
ALL Pokémon that evolve by any trade method (like Scyther, Onix) now evolve with
Evolution Methods and Levels
"Trade Kit" you can buy it in Celadon Department Store, 2F.
Oddish > Level 20.
Psyduck > Level 32.
Poliwag > Level 22.
Ponyta > Level 35.
Dodrio > Level 30.
Dratini > Level 27
Dragonair > Level 45.
Goldeen: Level 32.
Snubbull > Level 22.
Eevee > Espeon with Sun Stone, Umbreon With Moon Stone.
The exclusive Pokémon for Leaf Green are in this game, in this locations:
Exclusive Pokemon Location
Starters, Eevee & Ditto: Bill's Garden (Route 25).
- Johto Starters:
Chikorita: Route 12.
Cyndaquil: Route 11.
Totodile: Route 4.
Bellsprout: Route 22/21.
Sandshrew: Digglet Cave/Route 24.
Tyrogue: Digglet Cave.
Staryu: Route 21/Celadon City (Fishing).
Vulpix: Route 5.
Ponyta: Route 6, Mt.Ember.
Pinsir: Viridian Forest
Slowpoke: Route 10. (Surfing too).
Staryu: Route 10. (Surfing too).
Snorlax: Route 23.
Scyther: Viridian Forest.
Farfetch'd: Route 11/Route 22 (Or Vermilion Trade).
Legendaries location:
Mew, Pokemon Mansion, near the Gym Key.
Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres: Original location. (Seafoam Island/Power Plant/Kindle Road of One Island).
Raikou: Route 13.
Entei: Mt. Moon.
Suicune: Frost Cave.
Celebi: Celadon City, the forest at the left of the Market.
- You will be able can catch them when you defeat Sabrina (The sixth Badge).
Move tutors:
Important NPC
- Mega Punch/ Mega Kick: Near the house of the Route 4.
- Seismic Toss: Pewter City Lab, access with Cut.
- Rock Slide: Rock Tunnel, Kid with the Yellow cap.
- Counter: Celadon City, the Police under the Water Fountain.
- Sofboiled: Celadon City, the Old man, cross the water with Surf.
- Mimic: Saffron City House, the top left, taken by the Team Rocket.
- Thunder Wave: Silph Co. 2F
- Substitute: Fuchsia City, near the PokeMart, Bug Catcher.
- Dream Eater: Viridian City, At the entrance to the city going to Pallet Town, a girl near the trees.
- Double Edge: Victory Road, near the exit.
- Explosion: Mt. Ember, at the entrance, a Hiker.
- Starter Ultimate Moves: Cape Brink.
- Body Slam: House in Four Island with 2 man.
- Swords Dance: At Seven Island, in the bridge.
Move Reminder: The house next to the Pokemon Center.
Reducing Berries Seller: Lavender Town, the girl near to the Pokemon Tower.
Evolution Stones Seller: At Celadon City Mart 4F.
NPC At Vermilion City, lock the entrance until you do the S.S Anne event.
NPC At Route 9, lock the way until you get the 3rd Badge.
This features are included in the Rombase:
Main Features and Changes
- The Overworld palettes have been modified, in my opinion, they look better this way, something more natural.
- A lot of Bugs of Original FireRed fixed (specified in the documentation).
- Almost all of the Pokémon palettes have been updated to look better, without the need to change sprites.
- Some PokeMarts are in the Pokemon Center. (Like Route 4, Route 10, Lavender Town).
- All Pokémon Balanced and useful!
- Run Indoors.
- B/W 2 Repel System.
- More difficult fights (Gym Leaders, some trainers, Bosses, Admins).
- Physical/Special Split.
- Gen IV Party Screen.
- Removed One hit K.O Moves.
- Infinite TM's and Deleteable HM's.
- Fairy Type (And Tm's).
- Modified Help System, now contains info about the Rombase.
- Map & Rod available on Start.
- Removed Flashbacks, Controls and Gamefreak Intro.
- Colored Nature Stats.
- Evolve Without National Dex.
- Gift Lapras, Fighting Dojo Pokémon & Fossils are in Level 35.
- Removed restrictions to Evolve Pokémon that has an Evolution from Johto.
- All Stone Evolution Pokémon that not learn any move, now has a complete Moveset. (Like Ninetales, Wigglytuff).
- Pokémon of Safari Zone don't flee anymore.
- Roaming Pokémon (Entei/Raikou) don't disappear from the game.
- Vitamins Cap to 252 [Instead 100 for each stat (Ev)].
- Daycare in Route 5 can keep 2 Pokémon, and can breed.
- Auto Cut: You will no longer need a Pokémon that learns Cut.
Now it is enabled in the Overworld after obtaining the 2nd medal.
- All 245 Pokémon available (Legendary Beasts, Lugia/Ho-oh and Celebi in next Release).
Pokémon of Kanto & Johto for all routes.
- Mew event, available.
- Legendaries has 45 catch rate.
- Shiny rate update to Gen VI.
- New Shiny recolors for a lot Pokémon!
- Reusable Move Tutors and Move Remember.
- Add EV's Reducing Berries (A.K.A more friendship): A girl in Lavender Town now sells it.
- EV-IV Display Screen in Start Menu.
- Base Stats of each Pokemon in the Pokédex, in the "Size compared to player" section.
- All capture locations in Documentation.
---- Moves ----
-Rapid Spin: Now also raises user's speed 1 stage.
-Stockpile: +1 Def & Sp.Def each after use it.
-Charge: Now also raises user's Sp.Def 1 stage.
-Taunt: Now lasts 3 turns (Instead 2 turns).
-Encore: Now lasts 3 turns (Instead 2-6 turns).
-Spite: Now decreases the move's PP by exactly 4.
-False Swipe fixed (now works normally).
-Growth Update. Now boost Atk and Sp.Atk.
-Hidden Power: Constant 60 Power.
-Now you can see the type of the Hidden Power of your Pokémon.
--- Status Problems ----
-Poison Survival.
-Sleep Update. Now sleep lasts 3 turns (Instead 2-5).
-Paralysis Update: Now the speed of a paralyzed Pokémon are decreased 50% instead 75%.
-Burn Update: Damage equal to 1/16 of maximum HP (Instead 1/8).
---- Abilities ----
Sturdy Update.
Volt Absorb: Now absorbs Thunder Wave.
Flash Fire: Functional even if the user is frozen.
Added Snow Warning (replaces Cacophony).
---- Items ----
- Trade Kit: It can evolve any Pokémon that evolve by Trade (Buy at Celadon Dept).
- Light Ball Update: Now boost Atk & Sp.Atk of Pikachu.
- Infinite TM's and Deletable HM's.
- EV's and IV's Display Screen, in Start Menu, replacing "Exit".
- Reducing Berries Added (A.K.A more friendship): A girl in Lavender Town now sells it.
- Exp. Share in Rod House of Vermilion.
- Lucky Egg on rival's house, Given by Daisy.
Updated Moves:
Mechanic Updated Moves
- Rapid Spin: Now also raises user's speed 1 stage.
- Stockpile: +1 Def & Sp.Def each after use it.
- Charge: Now also raises user's Sp.Def 1 stage.
- Taunt: Now lasts 3 turns (Instead 2 turns).
- Encore: Now lasts 3 turns (Instead 2-6 turns).
- Spite: Now decreases the move's PP by exactly 4.
- False Swipe fixed (now works normally).
- Critical Hit Update from Gen VI.
- Growth Update. Now boost Atk and Sp.Atk.
- Hidden Power: Constant 60 Power.
- Now you can see the type of the Hidden Power of your Pokémon.
--- Status Problems ----
-Poison Survival.
-Sleep Update. Now sleep lasts 3 turns (Instead 2-5).
-Paralysis Update: Now the speed of a paralyzed Pokémon are decreased 50% instead 75%.
-Burn Update: Damage equal to 1/16 of maximum HP (Instead 1/8).
---- Abilities ----
Sturdy Update.
Volt Absorb: Now absorbs Thunder Wave.
Flash Fire: Functional even if the user is frozen.
Added Snow Warning (replaces Cacophony).
Name Changes:
MOVES (Modified and New)
ThunderPunch for "Volt Punch"
Vicegrip for "Vise Grip"
PoisonPowder for "Poison Ivy"
Crabhammer for "Aqua Hammer"
Faint Attack for "Feint Atk."
Mud Sport for "Mud Rain"
Ancientpower for "Primal Power"
Extremespeed for "Ultra Speed"
Sheer Cold for "Icicle Crash"
Guillotine for "Night Slash"
Horn Drill for "Drill Run"
Doubleslap for "Double Hit"
Iron Tail for "Iron Strike" (For more Compatibility on other Pokémon).
Replaced One hit K.O moves:
Sheer Cold > Icicle Crash: 85/100, 10 PP. 10% effect chance (Flinch).
Guillotine > Night Slash: 70/100, 15 PP. High Critical Ratio.
Horn Drill > Drill Run: 80/95, 10 PP. High Critical Ratio.
Fissure > Earth Power: 90/100, 10 PP. 10% effect chance (Reduce Sp.Def).
Modified HM's:
Cut: 60/100. Bug Type. High Critical Ratio. (Physical Move)
Fly: 80/100. (Physical Move)
Flash: 55/100. Steel Type. Same effect, 50% Chance. (Special Move)
Rock Smash: 55/100. (Physical Move)
Dive: 80/100. (Physical Move)
Surf: 85/100. (Special Move)
Modified Moves:
Struggle: 1/3 recoil.
Tackle: 40/100.
Double Hit: 25/100, 20 PP.
Comet Punch: 20/100, 20 PP. Fighting Type.
Vine Whip: 45/100, 20 PP.
Peck: 45/100, 30 PP.
Gust: 50/100. 25 PP.
Pay Day: 60/100.
Mega Punch: 80/100.
Absorb: 40/100.
Mega Drain: 55/100, 15 PP.
Giga Drain: 75/100, 10 PP.
Razor Leaf: 55/100.
Headbutt: 60/100.
String Shot: (Special Move) 50/100, 25 PP. 70% effect chance (Reduce speed).
Poison Pins: 30/100, 30 PP. 25% effect chance (poison).
Fire Vortex: 55/100, 20 PP. 30% effect chance (trap).
Volt Shock: 45/100.
Thunderbolt: 90/100.
Petal Dance: 100/100.
Rock Throw: 50/100, 20 PP.
Bite: 55/100.
Quick Atk.; 45/100.
Lick: (Special Move). 40/100.
Sludge: 60/100.
Clamp: 60/100, 20 PP. No effect.
Spike Cannon: 25/100. Ground type.
High J. Kick: 120/90.
Leech Life: 55/100.
Twineedle: 30/100
False Swipe: 50/100
Snore: 50/100.
Pin Missile: 25/100.
Bubbles: 40/100.
Aqua Hammer: 100/90.
Sketch: 5 PP.
Triple Kick: 20/100.
Thief: (Special Move now) 60/100.
Nightmare: (Physical move). 85/100, 10 PP. No Effect.
Mach Punch: 45/100.
Mud Slap: 40/100, 20 PP. 60% effect chance.
Aeroblast: 90/100.
Spark: 60/100.
Fury Cutter: 30/100.
Octazooka: 65/100.
Steel Wing: 75/100. 15% effect chance.
Present: Rework. (Special Move). 70/100, 15 PP. 10% chance to freeze.
Draco Breath: 75/100. 25% effect chance.
Rapid Spin: 45/100, 30 PP. (Special Move).
Iron Strike: 75/100.
Metal Claw: 50/100.
Twister 55/100.
Crunch: Now reduce Defense, no Sp. Defense.
Ultra Speed: 10 PP.
Primal Power: 75/100, 10 PP.
Whirlpool: 70/70.
Dark Pulse: 80/100, 10 PP. 10% effect chance. (flinch).
Fake Out: 50/100.
Uproar: 70/100.
Knock Off: 60/100.
Poison Fang: 60/100.
Crush Claw: 75/100. 45% effect chance.
Astonish: 45/100.
Needle Arm: 80/100.
Air Cutter: 65/100.
Weather Ball: 60/100.
Rock Tomb: 55/100, 15 PP. 70% effect chance.
Silver Wind: 65/100, 10 PP.
Metal Sound: 90% Accuracy, 25 PP.
Leaf Whistle: 70% effect chance.
Signal Beam: 80/100.
Shadow Punch: 65/100.
Sand Tomb: 55/100, 20 PP. 30% effect chance (trap).
Bullet Seed: 25/100.
Aerial Ace: 70/100.
Icicle Spear: 25/100.
Howl: 30 PP.
Meteor Mash: 90/100.
Meditate. Now boost 1 level Sp.Atk.
Mud Shot: 55/100, 15 PP. 70% effect chance.
Covet: 60/100, 25 PP.
Poison Tail: 75/100.
Leaf Blade: 80/100.
Mud Rain: (Special Move, Rock Type.) 55/100, 20 PP. 10% effect chance (reduce accuracy).
Hydro Pump, Fire Blast, Blizzard and Thunder has 110/80.
---- Updated Moves ----
-Rapid Spin: Now also raises user's speed 1 stage.
-Stockpile: +1 Def & Sp.Def each after use it.
-Charge: Now also raises user's Sp.Def 1 stage.
-Taunt: Now lasts 3 turns (Instead 2 turns).
-Encore: Now lasts 3 turns (Instead 2-6 turns).
-Spite: Now decreases the move's PP by exactly 4.
-False Swipe fixed (now works normally).
-Growth Update. Now boost Atk and Sp.Atk.
These are the movements that were completely replaced to add others:
Rage > Vacuum Wave: 45/Never Miss, 25 PP. (We need a Special, Fight move).
Night Shade > Night Beam: 55/100. 20 PP. No effect. (A mid-strong Ghost attack). (Special Move).
Megahorn > Mega Cutter: The same thing, but with 105/90, to be compatible with more Pokemon.
Imprison > Psycho Cut: 60/100, 20 PP. High critical Ratio. (We need a Physical, Psychic move).
Present: Has a rework. 60/100, 15 PP, Ice Type. 15% Freeze the foe
The Fairy type is in the game, so, here's the moves:
Frustration > Play Rough: 85/100, 10 PP. 10% effect chance (Reduce Attack). (Physical Move).
Fury Attack > Gentle Fist: 50/100, 25 PP. No effect. (Physical Move).
Sweet Kiss > Drain Kiss: 50/100, 15 PP. Drain HP. (Special Move).
Fury Swipes: Dazz. Gleam > 85/100, 10 PP. No effect. (Damage both foes). (Special Move).
Hi! Here you will find those Pokemon that were boosted to make them more viable in the game.
Pokémon Changes; Boosted, Modified and Abilities
-----------------------New Pokémon-------------------------------------
Blasteel: New evolution for Wartortle. Using Trade Kit.
Torrent/Clear Body.
----------------------Kanto Pokémon-------------------------------
Pikachu: All stats 60, Speed 85.
Diglett: HP 10 > 40.
Dugtrio: HP 35 > 60.
Abra: HP +10, DEF +15, SP.ATK - 10.
Kadabra: HP +10, DEF +20, SP.ATK -10.
Alakazam: HP +10, DEF +20, SP.ATK -10.
Farfetch'd: 65/80/65/45/65/70.
Seaking: ATK +8, Speed + 7.
Jynx: 70/50/70/110/95/95 (Now has the same BST like Magmar and Electabuzz).
Magikarp: 30/30/55/30/30/80.
Ditto: All stats 60.
Eevee: All stats 60, both Defenses 65. Has Pickup/Limber.
Mew: +10 HP & SpAtk, -10 Atk.
--------Johto Pokémon:---------
Furret: 85/80/75/45/75/85.
Noctowl: 100/50/75/85/95/70.
Ledian: 65/40/65/65/110/85.
Dunsparce: 100/70/70/70/70/60.
Azumarill: Both attacks 65 now.
Togepi: Fairy/Normal.
Togetic: Fairy/Flying.
Marill/Azumarill: Water/Fairy.
Sunkern: All stats 50.
Delibird: 60/40/65/65/65/75. Modified Present. Learns better TM's and HM's.
Smeargle: All stats 60, 75 speed.
Wobbufett: 180/30/60/60/60/40. Now learns Swift and Psybeam. Learns better TM's.
Pichu: All Stats 40, Speed 60.
Tyrogue: All stats 60, has full moveset.
Misdreavus: 60 on HP and Def > 70.
Unown: 60/50/60/80/60/60.
Abilities Changes:
Spearow/Fearow: Keen Eye/ Rough Skin.
Pokémon: 1st Ability / 2nd Ability
Sandshrew & Sandslash: Sand Veil/Battle Armor.
Ponyta/Rapidash: Cute Charm/Flash Fire.
Vulpix/Ninetales: Flash Fire/Drought.
Magnemite/Magneton: Sturdy/Levitate.
Eevee: Pickup/Limber.
Vaporeon: Water Absorb/Rain Dish.
Jolteon: Volt Absorb/Rough Skin.
Flareon: Flash Fire/Intimidate.
Espeon: Synchronize/Shield Dust.
Umbreon: Synchronize/Inner Focus.
Chikorita Line: Overgrow/Natural Cure.
Cyndaquil Line: Blaze/Flash Fire.
Totodile Line: Torrent/Intimidate.
Pineco/Forretress: Sturdy/Hard Skin.
Larvitar Line: Guts > Shed Skin > Sand Stream.
2nd Abilities: Battle Armor.
Dunsparce: 100/70/70/70/70/60.
Seel/Dewgong: Snow Warning/Thick Fat.
Paras/Parasect: Effect Spore/Rain Dish.
Articuno: Snow Warning/Thick Fat.
Chinchou/Lanturn: Volt Absorb/Rain Dish.
--------------------Modified Pokémon-----------------------------------
This Pokémon has change stats, but they are the same BST.
Venusaur: 85/75/85/100/100/80. Overgrow & Chlorophyll.
Charizard: 80/75/80/110/80/100. Blaze & Air Lock.
Blastoise: 85/70/100/85/105/80. Torrent & Shell Armor.
Ninetales: 80/65/80/85/100/100.
Golduck: 80/75/85/95/80/85.
Delibird: Rework on Present. 60/100, 15% chance to freeze the foe.
------------------------Edited Pokémon---------------------------------
This Pokemon has new types.
Due to the type limitation in the game,
I decided to add 1 more Dark Type (Because kanto doesn't have Dark Types).
and 1 Ghost Type. (Just Gastly line).
- Ekans/Arbok: Poison/Dark. -- Harder to defeat (And now immune to Psychic!)
Arbok has: 65/95/75/65/80/80.
- Haunter is a mixed attacker and his other stats
have been buffed to make him more useful (New moveset too).
- Parasect: Bug/Ghost. -- Taking the Pokédex description more seriously,
the Parasect mushroom totally controls the dead body.
- No more X4 to Fire, much more Physical and fast now.
- Seel and Shellder are Water/Ice type now.
- Unown and Abra has new moveset!
(Teleport-Rapid Spin-Confusion-Hidden Power-Psybeam-Swift).
----------Grass Pokémon:----------WILD ENCOUNTERS
If you see that there are few Pokemon, it is because only the new ones for each route are written.
Then some are repeated between them.
Route 1: Pidgey/Rattata/Ledyba/Hoothoot/Sentret/Meowth/Vulpix.
Route 2: Poliwag/Psyduck/Butterfree/Beedrill.
Viridian Forest: Caterpie/Weedle/Spinarak/Pikachu/Paras/Venonat/Pinsir/Scyther.
Route 3: Jigglypuff/NidoranM./Spearow. (Special 1% Pokemon: Dratini).
Route 4: Wooper/Ekans/Yanma/Natu/Mareep/Ponyta.
Route 5: Pidgeotto/Gloom/Phanpy/Meowth.
Route 6: Ponyta/Teddiursa. (Special 1% Pokemon: Bellossom).
Route 7: Fearow/Skarmory/Growlithe/Houndour.
Route 8: Arbok/Sandslash/Abra/Growlithe. (Special 1% Pokemon: Arcanine).
Route 9: Slowpoke/Dunsparce/Gligar/Sudowoodo. (Special 1% Pokemon:Slowbro).
Route 10: Staryu/Voltorb/Skiploom. (Special 1% Pokemon: Raichu).
Route 11: Doduo/Snubull/Drowzee. (Special 1% Pokemon: Farfetch'd).
Route 12: Pineco/Yanma/Natu/Venonat/Girafarig.
Route 13: Miltank/Venomoth/Flaafy/Noctowl/Furret/Stantler/Ditto.
Route 14: Aipom/Smeargle/Azumarill/Pidgeotto.
Route 15: Vileplume/Shuckle/Sunflora/Heracross/Gloom.
Route 16: Doduo/Marill/Houndour/Teddiursa.
Route 17: Grimer/Koffing/Tangela/Exeggcute/Flaafy/Ledian/Ursaring/Donphan. (Special 1% Pokemon: Quagsire).
Route 18: Jumpluff/Snorlax/Chansey/Tauros.
Route 19: -
Route 21: Tangela/Weepinbell/Staryu. (Special Pokemon: Starmie).
Route 22: Mankey/Nidoran F./Sunkern/Spearow. (Special Pokemon: Growlithe & Farfetch'd).
Route 23: Primeape/Fearow/Bellossom/Arbok/Exeggutor/Sunflora.
Route 24: Oddish/Bellsprout/Sandshrew/Poliwag/Abra/Tangela.
Route 25: Starters/Eevee/Ditto/Dratini.
Pokémon Tower:
1 ZONE: Gastly/Misdreavus/Murkrow/Cubone.
2 ZONE: Haunter
3 ZONE: (Special Pokémon: Gengar)
4 ZONE (Marowak Event): (Special Pokémon: Umbreon).
Safari Zone:
1 ZONE: Rhyhorn/Nidorin@/Exeggcute/Parasect/Scyther.
2 ZONE: Kangaskhan/Scyther.
3 ZONE: Tauros/Chansey.
4 ZONE: Lickitung.
----------Cave Pokémon:-----------
Mt. Moon:
1 ZONE:Zubat/Geodude/Onix. (Special Pokémon: Clefairy)
2 ZONE (Stairs): Paras/Clefairy/Slugma.
3 ZONE: Kabuto/Omanyte/Slugma. (Special Pokémon: Aerodactyl).
Digglet Cave: Diglett/Sandshrew/Machop/Tyrogue/Dugtrio.
Rock Tunnel: Onix/Graveler/Larvitar/Golbat.
2nd ZONE: Slowpoke/Larvitar/Cubone.
Replaced Altering Cave to Frost Cave, available in Route 25:
Seafoam Islands:
1 ZONE: Seel/Sneasel/Golduck (Special Pokemon: Crobat).
2 ZONE: Seel/Shellder/Lapras.
Victory Road:
1 ZONE: Machoke/Golem/Onix/Hitmonlee/Steelix/Crobat/Machamp.
2 ZONE: Hitmontop/Hitmonchan/Tyranitar/Primeape.
3 ZONE: Marowak/Machamp/Tauros/Crobat.
Pokémon Mansion:
Magneton/Electabuzz/Porygon/Arcanine/Ditto (Special Pokemon: Espeon).
----------Fishing Rod:----------
Route 4: Marill/Remoraid/Horsea/Krabby/Magikarp.
Route 6: Goldeen/Poliwag/Golduck.
Route 10: Gyarados/Staryu/Horsea/Slowpoke.
Route 12: Kabuto/Seadra/Goldeen. (Special Pokemon: Vaporeon).
Route 13: Octillery/Mantine.
Route 19/20: Lanturn/Corsola.
----------Cities (Fishing Rod):----------
Pallet Town: Wooper/Magikarp/Horsea/Krabby.
Viridian: Chinchou/Magikarp/Poliwag.
Cerulean: Magikarp/Qwilfish/Horsea/Corsola.
Vermilion: Remoraid/Magikarp/Horsea.
Celadon: Staryu/Poliwhirl/Kabuto/Omanyte.
Fuchsia: Totodile/Chinchou/Goldeen.
Cinnabar: Marill/Lapras.
One Island: Shellder.
Route 4: Tentacool/Tentacruel/Golduck.
Route 6: Psyduck.
Route 10: Staryu/Slowpoke/Chinchou/Quagsire.
Route 13: Mantine/Delibird.
Route 19: Mantine/Seadra/Azumarill/Feraligatr.
Route 20: Tentacruel/Quagsire/Lanturn/Politoed/Seaking.
Route 21: Seel/Shellder/Tentacruel.
Pallet Town: Psyduck/Krabby/Slowpoke.
Viridian: Seel/Poliwag/Krabby/Slowpoke/Dewgong
Cerulean: Remoraid/Chinchou/Wooper.
Vermilion: Shellder/Seel.
Celadon: Kabutops/Omastar.
Fuchsia: Poliwhirl/Wartortle/Dewgong.
Cinnabar: Tentacruel/Golduck/Dewgong/Slowbro/Slowking.