Pokemon Warped (GBA)

Download Patched Pokemon Warped GBA ROM Hack

Pokemon Warped Cover

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Hack Name: Pokemon Warped
Platform: GBA
Hack Original: Pokemon FireRed
Status: Beta 3
Language: English
Category: PokemonHackGBA
Playable On: Mobile, Pc, Emulator


You are a kid who has lived in Luneth Town, in the Amafuso region, all his/her life with his/her grandparents. Up to when you are twelve years old, everything is well (apart from the odd murder from time to time). Suddenly, in a catastrophic event linked to loud noises and crimson flashes in the sky, Amafuso has ripped apart, and cities and routes that were once joined are no longer so. This ominous turn of events are caused by Four Lords, a mysterious cult who train according to Four Natural Elements (Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire!). You embark on a quest to restore the world to what it once was, meeting many interesting (and in some cases, highly dangerous) people along the way!

In this world, all routes and towns are accessed via buildings known as 'Warp Houses'. There are five Warp Houses in the hack. In each Warp House are five teleports, each one leading to areas known as 'Stages'. All stages contain at least one route, and some contain a town or city. As you progress through each Warp House, you will encounter and battle each lord, in turn.

List of Features

  • A brand new and completely unique storyline.
  • A host of new characters.
  • A return of some old characters from Septo Conquest.
  • A beautiful new region.
  • Brand new scripts and events.
  • New player sprite.
  • No gym leaders. Instead, you face off against the Four Elemental Lords.
  • Re-ordered Pokedex.
  • Evolutions of certain Pokemon has been altered, e.g. Graveller evolves into Golem at LV.36 and Onix into Steelix at LV.30, rather than by trading.
  • Ever present comedy!


Pokemon Warped Screenshot 00Pokemon Warped Screenshot 01Pokemon Warped Screenshot 02Pokemon Warped Screenshot 03Pokemon Warped Screenshot 04Pokemon Warped Screenshot 05Pokemon Warped Screenshot 06Pokemon Warped Screenshot 07Pokemon Warped Screenshot 08Pokemon Warped Screenshot 09Pokemon Warped Screenshot 10Pokemon Warped Screenshot 11Pokemon Warped Screenshot 12Pokemon Warped Screenshot 13Pokemon Warped Screenshot 14Pokemon Warped Screenshot 15Pokemon Warped Screenshot 16Pokemon Warped Screenshot 17Pokemon Warped Screenshot 18Pokemon Warped Screenshot 19Pokemon Warped Screenshot 20Pokemon Warped Screenshot 21Pokemon Warped Screenshot 22Pokemon Warped Screenshot 23Pokemon Warped Screenshot 24Pokemon Warped Screenshot 25Pokemon Warped Screenshot 26Pokemon Warped Screenshot 27Pokemon Warped Screenshot 28Pokemon Warped Screenshot 29Pokemon Warped Screenshot 30Pokemon Warped Screenshot 31Pokemon Warped Screenshot 32Pokemon Warped Screenshot 33Pokemon Warped Screenshot 34

Developer: andyp159

Original Source: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=178197