Pokemon Crystal Maeson (GBC)

Pokemon Crystal Maeson GBC ROM

Pokemon Crystal Maeson Cover

Original: Mediafire
Alternative: Mediafire
Alternative Item in Battle: Mediafire
Original Item in Battle: Mediafire

Hack Name: Pokemon Crystal Maeson
Hack Original: Pokémon: Crystal Version
Status: v1.2, 11 February 2022
Language: English


Pokémon Crystal Maeson like other hacks of the same author aims to give a game he has played a lot a different flair through a variety of changes, so it keeps feeling fresh or more interesting to his own particular tastes.
·Moving away from the “vanilla Pokémon experience” by making a different “balance” for the Pokémon themselves. This means new Type Matchups to make Types equal, giving many species different Types, new Stat distributions for each evolutionary line and putting them at the same level, streamlining evolution across all species, and more.

The hack comes in two varieties, Original and Alternative. The content changes a bit with each one. Beyond that, both versions also have two varieties, one being the main one, where you can't abuse Items during battles or switch Pokemon after knocking a foe out, and one where you can do both, but with some changes should you choose that version and abuse those advantages.

List of Features

  • Types, Moves, Pokémon Stats and such have been changed deeply to move away from the conventions of the original games
  • Physical/Special split
  • Fair increase in the overall difficulty
  • Reworked Battle Tower
  • Some “endgame” content was added too, in the form of rematches and other things
  • Some new maps
  • Big changes to the graphics in many areas


Pokemon Crystal Maeson screenshot 00Pokemon Crystal Maeson screenshot 01Pokemon Crystal Maeson screenshot 02Pokemon Crystal Maeson screenshot 03

Developer: Maeson