Pokemon Blu Acqua (Italian/GBA)

Download Patched Pokemon Blu Acqua GBA ROM Hack

Pokemon Blu Acqua Cover

Download: Mediafire

Hack Name: Pokemon Blu Acqua
Platform: GBA
Hack Original: Pokemon FireRed
Status: Beta 1
Language: Italian
Category: PokemonHackGBA
Playable On: Mobile, Pc, Emulator


An Italian Hack of FireRed.

List of Features

  • 3 new starters: Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur
  • Changed wild pokémons in ALL Kanto ( paths, caves, etc. ..) 
  • Odd evolution (some pokemon at some level become another strong pokemon)
  • Modified coaches’ pokemon, moves, and levels 
  • Place: legendary zone, there are legendary Kanto and Hoenn level 30 in the tall grass
  • Masterball and rare ground candy in various areas of Kanto
  • Modified statistics and evolutions to some Pokémon
  • Modified moves that are learned at various levels

Developer: pokemonred

Original Source: https://pokemongenesis.forumcommunity.net/?t=59114679