Pokemon FireRed VX: Vanilla Expanded GBA ROM
Hack Name: Pokemon FireRed VX: Vanilla Expanded
Hack Original: Pokemon FireRed
Status: v1.04
Language: English
Hack Original: Pokemon FireRed
Status: v1.04
Language: English
Pokemon FireRed VX is the result of seeing so many FireRed enhancement hacks which change so much that, at best you might as well not be playing Gen 3 anymore, and at worst you may as well not be playing FireRed anymore. You can still play old gens on Showdown because they have a unique value to them too. The point of this hack is to add significantly more content in replayability while maintaining the core of the base game and Gen 3 as a whole.
List of Features
- All 149 original Pokemon from both FireRed and LeafGreen
- 130 new Pokemon, about 2/3 added based on their locations in Gens 1, 2, and 4; and the remaining 1/3 added based on my own logic and personal preference
- Regular opponents and bosses which use new and old Pokemon alike
- All necessary items to evolve into new Pokemon (use VBAlink!)
- All TMs which were previously postgame-exclusive, giving viability to Pokemon that depend on them
- A complete database of all noteworthy changes, including a new Pokemon list, encounter rates per area, boss teams, and new items
- Pokemon new to Gen 3
- Moves new to Gen 3
- Items new to Gen 3
- The modern physical-special split
- The Fairy type
- Other excessive changes of any kind!