Pokemon Cathode GBC ROM
Download: Mediafire
Hack Original: Pokemon Crystal
Status: v0.3.2
Language: Spanish
Category: GBC
There is no gym order, so everyone will have a different experience, just go outside and explore.
And someone is doing some kind of research about artificial life somewhere in the region, you may find some clues, stop him ASAP!
List of Features
- Another Pokecrystal Disassembly, with:
- 170 new Fakemon (all of them with animations, icons, and everything else ya know)
- Two new regions, with their own gyms, obviously
- Everything than a 2018 crystal hack needs to not be lazy (running shoes, reusable TMs, new moves, Fairy-type, and more™)
- Metric system

Developer: KaenSoul
Original Source: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=410309